Walk: Corrieshalloch Gorge, Highland

Walk: Corrieshalloch Gorge, Highland

View the thrilling Falls of Measach from a number of spectacular viewpoints on this short walk through Corrieshalloch Gorge National Nature Reserve near Ullapool.

Published: October 24, 2022 at 5:30 am

You are guaranteed to be awestruck with your first sight of the vertigo-inducing Corrieshalloch Gorge and the Falls of Measach.

One of the most spectacular of its type in Britain, Corrieshalloch provides striking evidence of how glacial meltwater can create deep gorges. 

A Victorian-era suspension bridge spans the gap above the 200-foot-deep chasm, where you can gaze at the long, crashing waterfall.

In winter, when the River Droma that flows through the ravine is in spate, the experience is electric.

The National Trust for Scotland manages this national nature reserve, designated for its upland birch wood and geomorphological features, and the charity carries out a range of conservation work to protect the diverse habitats, including the eradication of rhododendron.

Panoramic view of Corrieshalloch Gorge with Loch Broom in the background/Credit: Getty

Corrieshalloch Gorge car park

A car park with information boards detailing a short waymarked walk (described here) and accessible walk are available. There are currently no other facilities, though a major new visitor centre is planned for spring 2023.

Corrieshalloch Gorge viewpoints

There are two designated viewpoints on this walk, and many more informal viewpoints. The first, a metal viewing platform (pictured below), is reached after crossing the suspension bridge onto the north side of the gorge. The second viewpoint (and information boards) sits to the south of the gorge and is found later on in the walk.

If you have time after the walk, it's worth continuing up the road (north west) from the car park to reach Corrieshalloch Gorge Viewpoint, which offers more expansive views of the gorge and surrounding countryside.

There is a metal viewing platform in Corrieshalloch Gorge, where visitors can gaze downs towards the stunning Falls of Measach/Credit: Getty

Corrieshalloch Gorge walk

1.2 miles/1.9km | 109m accent | 1 hour | easy-moderate

1. Tiny fern

Start from the Corrieshalloch Gorge car park on the A832 Dundonnell road just west of Braemore Junction and follow the waymarked path to the suspension bridge.

It doesn't take long to reach the historic bridge, which provides incredible views of the Falls of Measach. 

The gorge, a mile-long box canyon, is famed for its mosses and liverworts, and Britain’s smallest fern – Wilson’s filmy fern. Listen for ravens, which nest here above the roaring falls.

Follow the undulating path through Corrieshalloch Gorge National Nature Reserve/Credit: Getty

2. Across the gorge

Cross the bridge, built in 1874 by Sir John Fowler. He was famous for being chief engineer of the Forth Bridge and the world’s first underground railway in London. Then go left to reach a metal viewing platform. This gives more stupendous gorge views.

3. Squirrels among pines

From the viewpoint, recross the bridge and turn right on a path that skirts the gorge where care is needed. Look for red squirrels as you walk through pines and then downhill to an information and viewing area.

Look for red squirrels among the pines/Credit: Getty

4. Broom views

Follow the path as it turns uphill and into open countryside. On the right lies the sea loch, Loch Broom. A final level section completes the 1.25-mile walk.

There’s currently no work planned on the route during December and January though one should check the Corrieshalloch Gorge National Trust for Scotland website in case of closures.

Corrieshalloch Gorge map

Corrieshalloch Gorge walking route and map

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