Historical figures

Meet the brave, but inevitably doomed, Jacobites and discover the trail of blood, war and historical battles

Learn about the legendary Jacobites - their origins, key figures and the bloody battles that defined their quest for power.

Loathed school PE? Then you have this man to thank as he invented it - oh and he also had a large hand in launching a small event called the Olympics...

The Olympic Games would not be alive today, said Olympic founder Pierre de Coubertin, if it hadn't been for Dr William Penny Brookes.

Octavia Hill: The woman who rose to become one of the 19th century's greatest reformers and founder of the National Trust

Octavia Hill was a social reformer whose belief in the benefits of fresh air led to the creation of the National Trust.

Why does the king have two birthdays?

Just why does the king get two birthdays a year, when we mere mortals just have one? We take a look

Nan Shepherd revolutionised nature writing with The Living Mountain. This is her story

One of the greatest books about Scottish mountains lay in a drawer for 30 years. Charlotte Peacock profiles author Nan Shepherd and her enduring passion for the Cairngorms

Border Reivers: discover who they were and how they terrorised the borders in Britain's own wild west

Who were the Border Reivers?David Gopsill from Tullie House Museum uncovers the stories of these enigmatic figures and their impact on the borderlands.

Who was Alfred Wainwright? A quick guide to the Lake District icon

We take a look at the life of Alfred Wainwright, the man who did so much to popularise the Lakes and fell walking

Why do we say 'sent to Coventry'?

Where does the saying 'sent to Coventry' come from? We take a look at its possible roots

Discover poet John Clare: The voice of nature amid mental health struggles

From farm labourer to brilliant nature poet, John Clare found fleeting fame and lasting unhappiness. But now his beautiful writings about the countryside are attracting a new generation of fans

Meet the 19th century botanist David Douglas, the man who brought us the Douglas fir

John Craven celebrates David Douglas – a surprisingly little-known Scottish adventurer whose discoveries in the new world transformed the landscapes of his home country

Witchcraft and witches in the UK: Exploring 14 famous witch trials and stories

Learn more about some of Britains most famous witches and wise men in our historical guide.

Herne the Hunter: Why a glimpse of Windsor’s horned phantom could spell doom for the King

In folk tales of old, magical beings served as guardians of forests and hills until troubled times brought them forth to battle evil. Storyteller Lisa Schneidau profiles one of the most potent of these figures: Herne the Hunter

Where did Rupert Bear come from? The story behind the beloved character and his magical world

Who was Rupert Bear? Where did he come from and just why was he loved by millions?

Where are Britain's lost kings buried? A guide to some unorthodox royal burial sites

Discover where Britain's lost kings are buried in the British countryside.

A quest to walk in the footsteps of St Patrick in Northern Ireland

Follow the St Patrick's Way in Armagh to encounter gods, saints and ancient warriors in episode 3, season 16 of the Countryfile Magazine Plodcast

Podcast: A walk along the Ridgeway with archaeologist Mary-Ann Ochota

Explore an ancient pathway in Wiltshire with archaeologist and TV presenter Mary-Ann Ochota who is the patron for the Ridgeway National Trail – in episode 2, Season 15 of the Plodcast
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