
First beaver kit born in Northumberland for over 400 years

Camera trap footage shows a newborn beaver and its family exploring Wallington Estate in north-east England.

Man spots black 'panther' running loose in Worcestershire. Big cat experts have their say...

Does the latest video of a black cat in the UK countryside offer evidence there are big cats roaming the British Isles? James Fair investigates

Watch: three adorable baby beavers born on Norfolk nature reserve

The beaver kits were caught on camera at Sculthorpe Moor Nature Reserve in Fakenham, bringing the town's total tally to seven.

Moles: how do they see in the dark, what do they eat and why are they missing in some parts of the UK

Discover the fascinating world of moles, including what they look like, what they eat and if they can see in the dark

Muntjac guide: meet the strange barking deer with fangs

Curious about these charming creatures? Our guide offers a glimpse into the world of secretive muntjac deer

Fox cubs: when to see them, what they're called and what they sound like

Discover the fascinating behaviours and development milestones of these charming young creatures.

Britain's lost beasts: when did the moose, wolf and bear go extinct in UK?

We take a look at some of the animals Britain has lost - although a couple could be making a reappearance soon...

Beavers have been recruited to reduce flooding in an ancient English village. And it's working

Five years after being released on Spains Hall Estate in Essex, beavers are rewriting the landscape and reducing the risks of both drought and flooding.

Scientists are using AI to save hedgehogs. And they need your help

A ground-breaking new project combining artificial intelligence, trail cameras and volunteers will provide robust estimates of hedgehog numbers, which can be used to inform practical conservation measures.

Roe deer guide: how to identify, where to see and species facts

Once abundant, then almost gone, now rising again, this native species knew this land before we named it and has become a parable of ecological change.

Scotland's pine martens enjoy their new homes

Rare pine martens in Galloway Forest have taken advantage of artificial den boxes to breed and extend their range

Wild bison thriving in the UK

Follow the herd with our gallery documenting the first year of wild bison living in Britain.

Rabbit guide: how to identify and where to see

Widespread across the British countryside, rabbits live in family groups and are one of our most common small mammals. Learn more about the rabbit in our expert species guide, including where they live, the rabbit breeding season and other key facts.

Hare guide: how to identify and where to see

Spotting a hare is an incredible wildlife spectacle and early spring is the ideal time to spot them. Learn more about the hare species found in the UK, including the brown hare in our expert guide.

Best forest campsites in the UK in 2024

Get closer to nature with a family camping trip in the UK. Here are the most rewarding forest campsites to book this summer.
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