Walk: Ramsey Island, Pembrokeshire

Walk: Ramsey Island, Pembrokeshire

Escape to an isolated Welsh island and ramble over a rugged landscape teeming with wildlife

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Published: March 15, 2021 at 3:49 pm

St. Justinian the hermit sought sanctuary on Ramsey Island in the 6th Century and, if it’s peaceful solitude you’re searching for, then this secluded outcrop is still the perfect place for a day’s retreat.

Ramsey lies just a mile from the St. David’s peninsula (in fact its Welsh name, Ynys Dewi, means ‘St. David’s Island’) and is one of the most spectacular of all the islands off the Pembrokeshire coast.

Ramsey is also a nature reserve – owned and managed by the RSPB – and a real haven for wildlife. The towering cliffs on the west side of the island are among the highest in Wales and a top spot for nesting seabirds. In June, breeding colonies are in full swing with razorbills, guillemots and gulls crowding the narrow, rocky ledges.

View across Aber Mawr bay towards Carn Ysgubor
View across Aber Mawr bay towards Carn Ysgubor/Credit: Alan Hughes

Other birds like peregrine falcons, ravens and choughs display their acrobatic aerial abilities on the cliff-top updraughts. Grey seals and harbour porpoises can be glimpsed in the bays below and, throughout the spring and summer, maritime plants and heather cover much of the island in a rich carpet of colour.

group of Guillemots on Skomer Island, Wales
Guillemots are one of many species that make this island their home/Credit: Getty

Ramsey Island walk

2.6 miles | 1.5 hours | easy

1. Landing site

It’s only a short boat ride across Ramsey Sound to the island, where you will be welcomed by one of the two wardens (the only permanent residents on Ramsey). Despite being the fourth largest island in Wales, Ramsey is only 2½ miles (4km ) long by a mile (1.6km) wide, so you’ll have plenty of time to explore it thoroughly. A well-signed 3½ mile (5.6km) route (which can be walked as two shorter trails) makes an almost-complete circuit of the island.

Start at The Farmhouse in Aberfelin bay and walk north west.

2. Peak to peak

You will soon reach The Bungalow at the foot of Carn Ysgubor, one of the island's twin peaks. From here, turn south and pass above the rubble of Trwyn Garlic, a west-facing beach.

3. Stirling view

The route takes in a second peak, Carn Llundain. The views from both summits are far-reaching: south to Ramsey’s better-known neighbour, Skomer; east to Pembrokeshire’s wide bays and beaches; and west across the Irish Sea to the outlying isles of The Bishops and The Clerks and, on a fine day, to Ireland itself.

Ramsey Island
Ramsey's southern island/Credit: Bill Boaden

4. Southside

Continue on the path anti-clockwise around the island. If you have the energy, branch off to Foel Fawr before returning back to the boat launch site.

Ramsey Island map

Ramsey Island walking route and map

Ramsey Island map

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