Polly Webster

Pumpkin strudel

Make the most of pumpkin season with this recipe for a tasty pumpkin strudel.

Published: October 28, 2019 at 10:06 am

These plump orange fruits decorate the country at Halloween, so this is the perfect time to make sweet treats from their discarded flesh. This tasty pumpkin strudel should do just the trick...


  • 1kg Pumpkin, peeled, deseeded and cut into large chunks
  • 2tsp Vegetable oil
  • 140g Soft light brown sugar Plus extra for sprinkling
  • 100g Ground almonds
  • 100g Fresh white breadcrumbs
  • 1 Large egg, beaten with 1/2 tsp reserved for glazing
  • 1tbsp Ground cinnamon
  • Nutmeg a grating
  • 6 sheets of filo pastry
  • 85g Butter, melted
  • 100g Pecans, chopped (1 tbsp reserved for the top)


  • Step 1

    Preheat oven to 200ºC/180ºC fan/gas 6. Toss the pumpkin with the oil on a baking tray. Bake for 45 mins until really tender, then leave to cool.

  • Step 2

    Whizz the pumpkin in a food processor until smooth, then tip into a bowl. Add the sugar, almonds, breadcrumbs, egg and spices and mix well. This can be done up to two days in advance.

  • Step 3

    Lower the oven to 160ºC/140ºC fan/gas 3. Layer the pastry sheets on top of each other, brushing with melted butter and sprinkling sugar and chopped pecans between each sheet. Spoon the pumpkin mix along one edge of the pastry in a log shape, leaving a 2.5cm gap at each end. Turn up the ends, then roll the strudel and brush the edge with egg to seal.

  • Step 4

    Transfer to a baking tray, sealed-side down. Brush with the reserved egg, drizzle over any leftover butter and sprinkle with the remaining pecans and extra sugar. Bake for 40 mins until golden. Leave to stand for 10 mins, then slice and serve with maple syrup, cream or custard, if you like.


Tip: Don’t throw pumpkin seeds away! Wash under cold water, discarding as much pulp as you can. Boil the seeds for 5–10 minutes in salted water. Drain, dry, then toss with oil and seasoning. Spread on a baking sheet and roast at 180ºC/gas 4 for 8–10 minutes. Eat as a snack or garnish.

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