New campaign aims to double Bristol's tree cover by 2050

Bristol residents and businesses are being encouraged to help double the number of trees in the city by backing a new campaign.

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Published: June 7, 2018 at 3:59 pm

Bristol's canopy cover is currently around 15%, but experts believe that figure needs to double by 2050 to help combat climate change and air pollution, protect biodiversity and promote health and wellbeing.

Talking Trees Bristol is encouraging local residents and businesses to pledge their support for the campaign.

James Smith of Bristol Tree Forum, Jon Clark of Forest Avon Trust, Lord Mayor of Bristol, Cllr Cleo Lake and Catherine Brabner-Evans of Woodland Trust at the Talking Trees launch © Greenhouse PR

“We have identified a need to double the city’s canopy cover in order to combat air pollution and enhance Bristol’s urban environment. We are calling upon all citizens and businesses in Bristol to show their support for urban trees," said Councillor Asher Craig, Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Communities, Equalities and Public Health.

Talking Trees is urging local residents to get involved with the campaign by sharing a tree selfie accompanied with the caption #TalkingTreesBristol. They are also encouraging the public to volunteer with tree surveys, plant or sponsor a tree, or sign the tree charter.

“We want people in Bristol to really notice the trees in our streets, in our local parks, outside our shops and offices and see how vital they are for our health and wellbeing and for nature," said Catherine Brabner-Evans from the Woodland Trust.


When asked what she would like to do next should this campaign prove successful, Catherine replied:

"Woodland Trust wants to see a UK rich in native woods and trees, for people and wildlife. Our aims are to protect ancient woodland which is rare, unique and irreplaceable; to restore damaged ancient woodland, bringing precious pieces of our natural history back to life; and to plant native trees and woods with the aim of creating resilient landscapes.

"Talking Trees Bristol has been a wonderful opportunity to work with partners who have a shared vision for greening a city, and we hope to work with local authorities around the country on similar programmes."

For this project:

  • The Woodland Trust is giving away free trees to schools, communities and landowners who want to do large scale tree planting schemes to help Bristol reach its target.
  • The Forest of Avon Trust has helped plant over a million trees in and around Bristol and is training volunteers to survey trees as well as running a range of projects such as woodland wellbeing and forest school programmes.
  • The Bristol Tree Forum are a group of volunteers helping to increase canopy cover in Bristol and Bristol City Council are protecting trees and managing those on public lands. They also run the One Tree Per Child programme and co-ordinate a tree sponsorship scheme for new planting.

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