Podcast: Nightingales at dawn in Dorset – magical, beautiful and moving

Enjoy the fabulous song of nightingales and other spring birds on a Dorset common at dawn in episode 11 of season 5 of the BBC Countryfile Magazine plodcast

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Published: June 10, 2020 at 8:10 am

A rare and very beautiful opportunity to hear nightingales in the UK in 2020 in the BBC Countryfile Magazine podcast – known as the Plodcast – episode 11, season 5

Kevin Parr heads to a secret common and woodland in Dorset to at the crack of dawn to hear Britain's most famous songster – the increasingly scarce nightingale. Listen on for a memorable and stunningly beautiful audio experience. Plus, we hear from one of the 20th century's greatest nature writers and poets, Edward Thomas, on the power of the nightingale's song. For more on nightingales and other British songbirds, visit our website

You can also find a direct link to the episode on iTunes and Spotify on Podfollow

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