Podcast: Walk the River Tame in Manchester to see a river restored to glorious life

Discover how a river that was almost dead through industrial pollution has been revived by the efforts of anglers and other conservationists in episode 9, season 5 of the BBC Countryfile Magazine podcast

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Published: May 27, 2020 at 6:56 am

Walk the length of the River Tame to discover how heroic conservationists have restored a dead river in episode 9, season 5 of the BBC Countryfile Magazine podcast

Once a heavily polluted river, running though heavily industrialised landscapes, the River Tame is being restored from its source on the Pennine moors along its entire length in the Greater Manchester area and is now one of the best trout rivers in Britain.

Follow angler and writer Andrew Griffiths as travels along the river meeting heroes from Moors for the Future, the Mersey Rivers Trust and the Wild Trout Trust for an incredibly heartening story of a river's resurrection.

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