Relax to the beautiful and calming sounds of nature with our series of Sound Escapes

Escape to the countryside for the chance to unwind, listening to lovely meditations in BBC Countryfile Magazine's Sound Escapes – with new episodes every Friday

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Published: March 5, 2021 at 8:25 am

Countryfile Magazine has launched a new series of short podcasts called Sound Escapes – 5-minute meditations using beautiful and calming sounds of nature recorded that week. Released every Friday, the Sound Escapes offer vicarious mini-adventures and the chance to unwind fully before the weekend.

Presented by Hannah Tribe and produced by Jack Bateman.

27. Be calmed by the wild song of the ash tree

26. Slow down with the sounds of a narrowboat passing through a lock on the Peak Forest Canal

25. Be charmed by the gentle babble of a farmland stream

24. Sit back and relax to the sleepy hum and buzz of a midsummer meadow

23. A walk in beautiful Dovedale in Derbyshire

22. Joyful summer birdsong on the allotment

21. The song of the River Dove in the Peak District

20. The mesmerising churring of a nightjar on a summer's night

19. Be calmed by the hum of busy bumble bees

18. The beguiling songs of warblers from a reedbed by a lake in the Brecon Beacons

17. Be transported to a wooded Welsh valley to hear redstarts and song thrushes

16. Listen to the cascade of wood warbler song in an ancient oak wood

15. The gentle patter of rain in a Maytime bluebell wood

14. Relax to the dawn chorus from a West Country oak wood

13. A few minutes of total peace deep in the Somerset Levels

12. Lesser spotted woodpeckers and spring songbirds in a Celtic rainforest

11. Utterly glorious nightingale symphonies from a Dorset copse

10. The soft crooning of Canada geese on the Dyfi Estuary in mid Wales

9. Calling peregrine falcons in a craggy quarry in the Brecon Beacons

8. The soothing rise and fall of the tide in a small cove on Gower

7. A mistlethrush and friends greet a crisp March morning in a Gwent woodland

6. The gentle chatter of dunnocks and house sparrows in a Gower hedgerow

5. Wandering along an ancient holloway in the Brecon Beacons

4. An evening chorus of song thrushes and robins on the River Avon at the edge of Bristol

3. Waders, wildfowl and skylarks on the marshes of Lancashire's Ribble Estuary

2. New lambs and dawn chorus on the Monmouth-Brecon canal

1. Calming birdsong in a Gower woodland, South Wales

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