Louise Hagger

Nasturtium, halloumi and courgette omelette

This quick and tasty supper is a summer delight, say Kathy Bishop and Tom Crowford on their Somerset smallholding

Published: July 30, 2020 at 8:51 pm

Harvest, preserve, repeat. We do this year-round, but never more so than in August. Berries and plums are turned into jams and compotes. The first apples are ready to pick and dry in rings. Veg patch surplus is made into soup for the freezer, or store cupboard pickles. The kitchen table is covered with sticky honey jars. And there are racks of rainbow-coloured eggs, which we use for fresh pasta, mayonnaise, cakes and, of course, breakfast. This quick and tasty supper is a summer delight.


  • 1 courgette
  • ½tbsp Olive oil
  • 3 slices of halloumi cheese
  • ½tsp Apple cider vinegar
  • A few fresh leaves of garden mint, finely chopped
  • 2 Eggs
  • 40ml Milk
  • 2 Large sprigs of fresh oregano, finely chopped
  • A knob of unsalted butter
  • A handful of nasturtium flowers and young leaves


  • Step 1

    Thinly slice the courgette lengthways and toss with the olive oil and some salt and pepper. On a searing hot griddle pan, fry the slices alongside the halloumi for a couple of minutes on each side, until everything is patterned with charred lines and cooked through. Take off the heat, put the halloumi to one side, then toss the courgette with the vinegar and mint leaves.

  • Step 2

    Meanwhile, make the omelette. Whisk together the eggs and milk with a pinch of salt, then stir in the oregano leaves. Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the egg mixture. Leave to cook for a minute or two until the edges start to solidify, then fold the edges back into the centre of the pan using a pallet knife or fork and let the uncooked mixture fill the gaps they leave behind. Leave to cook until softly set.

  • Step 3

    Tumble the courgette and halloumi on to one half of the omelette, scatter over the nasturtium leaves and flowers and then fold the other half of the omelette over the top (or leave open if preferred). Serve immediately.

The Seaonal Table Kathy and Tom combine running their Somerset smallholding with full-time jobs, and also find time to write a blog called 
The Seasonal Table – a journal of slow food and slow living.  Find out more about The Seasonal Table:
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